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Welcome to JC Fengshui

Welcome to JC Fengshui site. We provide professional geomancy consultation to all our clients.


We also provide other services like:

阳宅风水 (Residential Geomancy Consultation)
阴宅监定 (Tomb Placement)
商业风水 (Commercial Geomancy Consultation)
择屋择地 (Property Consultation)

八字论命 (Bazi Life Analysis)

扑克牌论运 (Poker card Fortune Telling)
安神,开光 (Placing of deities, enshrine of auspicious items)
和合爱情法科 (Enhance Love Relations Ritual)

和合人缘法科(Enhance Charisma Ritual)
催财法科 (Wealth-Fetching Ritual)
改运法科 (Enhance Luck Ritual)

文昌学业法科 (Enhance Studies Ritual)

文昌事业法科 (Career Advancement Ritual)

动土净宅法事 (Groundbreaking, cleansing home/office ritual)
驱小人 (Ward off back stabber or people who may harm you)
驱邪法事 (Ward off Evil Ritual)
净宅, 拜五方等法科 (Cleansing of house, Praying to Five Direction)

六壬道法科仪 (Liuren Taoist Ritual)


Any enquires, feel free to contact us at

Email :

Mobile : 988 666 90

Company ROC: 53252394J

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